University Of Wyoming Donated Some Turf To Cheyenne School
Wouldn't it be cool for your child to play on the turf that a few NFL players once played on? The University of Wyoming donated some field turf to the Neighborhood School, according to KGWN.
The Neighborhood School is a pre-school for kids 6 weeks until they can go to kindergarten. They nearly doubled the size of their old playground area with this new expansion. The project cost about $2,000 and one week to complete with volunteers from the community and local businesses.
The school wanted turf because it's not as hard as the actual ground, plus the kids love playing on it. When the school was looking to put in turf, the University of Wyoming caught wind of it and wanted to help. So, they donated a section from their practice field to fit in the new play area.
The Neighborhood School just wants to thank everyone who helped make this happen, now the kids have a fun place to play.