Rodeo Records Are Being Broke At Cheyenne Frontier Days
There is a new tie-down roping champ in town and he is out of Stephenville, Texas. The new record of 9.4 seconds was set by Sterling Smith Monday afternoon at CFD.
The previous record was set by Chad Johnson in 1997 with 9.9 seconds. 2014, Cade Swor tied the 9.9 record and then Scott Kormos joined the group in 2017.
Sterling's father, Brad Smith, was the world team roping champion in 1978. His father was the first person he called to tell the great news.
"I had a really good calf," as reported by montanasports.com Smith said. " I knew it was good and felt like I could be fast. I'm still letting it soak in. My horse worked perfect and it just came together."
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