Cheyenne’s Flydragon Art Studio Now Will Come To You
The new trend over the past couple of years is painting parties. People either go with a big group of friends, couples go for a date night or just a few good friends that enjoy wine and painting.
Flydragon is on the cutting edge of the painting parties with now offering "Flymobile." It works like this: you provide the space, seating and adult beverages if you choose. Then Flydragon shows up with the paint supplies, pattern, teacher and a great night of fun. You can choose from one of these many designs to paint. You must have a minimum of 5-6 people.
Classes cost $40 per person and take up to 2 hours to paint or pay $42 per person and get 2 1/2 hours of painting.
To have your own painting party or to join one, visit flydragon.com
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