Cheyenne Thankful Thursday Hits $2 Million
The idea started small and slow. Party With A Purpose at a local club with all proceeds going to a local charity.
But as the years went by the event grew and local businesses joined in to help sponsor the event.
Eventually, the weekly parties overflowed to the point that Thankful Thursday needed a bigger home. That's when Cheyenne's Amvets Post 10 stepped in.
It is now typical for a Thankful Thursday to bring is 10 to 25 thousand dollars in a night.
The idea of Thankful Thursday spread to Casper Wyoming, where they now host the event in their town. Other cities across America have sent out scouts to Cheyenne to explore the idea and bring it back home.
October 24th, 2019, Thankful Thursday crossed over the $2million dollar mark.
The city of Cheyenne Wyoming has once again shown itself to be one of the most giving and fun-loving cities in the region.
Special thanks for Alf, of Alf's pub, his large staff of volunteers, and the many sponsors that have made this possible. Also thanks to all the folks who come to have a good time and raise money for local charities.
-- Glenn Woods