Things come and go, that's the nature of time. Our favorite place for date nights when we were in high school goes out of business. The place we always went for family dinners when we were kids is now a parking lot. It happens, but those memories are alive forever.

We asked you to name a Cheyenne business you loved that no longer exists, and folks really miss some restaurants and the drive-in theaters.

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According to what people said, Cheyenne really misses In n' Out hamburgers. No, not that In and Out. This Cheyenne restaurant opened in 1953 at 5th Street and Central Avenue as In n’ Out. They had to change their name because of that California chain. So they became Cruisin’ Thru, and closed a few years ago. The spot is now a Family Dollar store.

The town still has a taste for their old fashioned cheeseburgers, french fries, chili Fritos, and Polish dogs.

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To top off the perfect evening in Cheyenne of the past, people want to go from Cruisin’ Thru to the Starlight Drive-in for a movie. Drive-ins are greatly missed by Cheyenne.

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Cheyenne also really misses buffet restaurants. Places like Bonanza, Country Buffet, King's Buffett, and Golden Corral.

Other places that hold a special place in the memories of Cheyenne include:

  • Owl Inn
  • Mayflower
  • Burger Chef
  • The Shanty Shop
  • Time Out Arcade
  • Shakeys
  • Cheyenne Book and Record Exchange
  • Grand Central
  • Wards
  • Sea Galley
  • Beef and Bird


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