Wyoming’s Confused On The Baby Bump Touch
I get it, I'm not a woman and will never know what it's like to be pregnant.
Mom's are heroes and go through a lot to bring a baby into this messed up world. The feelings, the cravings, the emotions, the connection, the discomfort and every thing else that comes with pregnancy.
One of the biggest questions I have is...
what in the heck is deal with people wanting to get a picture with their hand on the baby bump?
It almost seems like the standard pose that pregnant women do when having their photo taken.
I took the question to Facebook and some people are just as confused as I am, but some had pretty good theories...
What about when others touch the belly?
Family, friends, kids, strangers, all putting their hands on someone else's belly, it's just weird.
Looking through Facebook, I noticed pictures from a baby shower. In almost every picture, someone other than the mom-to-be is holding the belly in some way.
This question seemed to cause even more confusion and discomfort from people.
Mother.ly is a website with information all about everything motherhood.
The site says this about the odd touching...
Touch is the core of communication. We are hardwired to touch. It’s why, when a friend is upset, you instinctively reach out and touch her shoulder. It’s why we kiss our partners, and it’s definitely (one of the many, many reasons) why we kiss our babies. Touch communicates in a way that language can’t.
Makes sense, right? Kind of.
It's still weird to walk up to a pregnant woman and touch her belly. You wouldn't walk up to a woman on the street and just put your hands on a woman's belly, pregnant or not.
I'm not a touchy feely person, and don't like people really touching me. I guess I wouldn't make it as a pregnant woman.
I found a list of 10 reasons NOT to touch a pregnant belly on the website Scary Mommy, and think that people may need to read the list. The one that really stands out to me...
You’re not touching the baby.
It's like touching the outside of the refrigerator thinking you're going to get that turkey sandwich. Nope, you're touching the important protector of that sandwich.
What do you think? Is this just something that everyone does because they see it everywhere and think it's ok? Shoot us a message and let us know your thoughts.