Wyoming is the best state to be your own landlord and live on the road, according to Jackson Hole News & Guide.

In a recent study by SatelliteInternet.com, they named Wyoming the best state to live in your van and just enjoy the adventure. Rent for housing is getting very expensive so people are turning their vans into a mobile home. #VanLife people gut the van, put in a kitchen, a platform bed, some decoration, and travel from town to town.

In the study, it states that this doesn't mean the Cowboy State has a huge influx of people living in vans. The study was saying that if you are looking for the #vanlife than Wyoming is the state to do that in. Wyoming having so many National Parks helps with #vanlife.

Other factors that make Wyoming #vanlife are the weather, gas prices, cost of living (which wouldn't be much since you are in your car), and plenty of recreation options.

if you have been dreaming of the open road, exploring and just seeing what's out there, then maybe the #vanlife is for you. We suggest you start at the Cowboy State.

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