Working with a bunch of media people, apparently I hold the record for having lived in the most different states. Every move means leaving behind some type(s) of food I miss. And every move usually means I'm also going to get turned on some foods I'll love. It sure has been the case in coming to Wyoming. Here are just a handful of examples. I can tell you that most of them just can be found anywhere else - at least not this good.

Lamb – Passed down from some of Wyoming’s first residents, the Shoshone, aka “sheep eaters.” The Cowboy State is fourth in the country for sheep raising?”

Emmy Awards Food
David McNew, Getty Images

Elk and BisonHealthier and better taste. I never ate a lot of hamburgers, but I’ll do these burgers anywhere they’re on the menu. And in Wyoming, that’s a lot of places.

Trout – Nuff said. Brown and cutthroat is just better in Wyoming. Just don’t count on great seafood here.

White Chili – Once leaving New Mexico to move east, I missed green chili. Now where else would I find this great stuff? See video below. It may not be exactly Wyo-style but it looks close.

Taco Johns Potato Oles – When I first moved here, someone said, “It’s like they’re seasoned with crack.” I think they are – crack, or something illegal - geniuskitchen claims to have their recipe. I don't know, you tell me.

Bonus: Rocky Mountain Oysters – Just kiddingl. I would not really miss those at all.

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