The annual National National Chocolate Milkshake Day is September 12. Forget the calories for a day – or at least vote for your favorite milkshake maker in Wyoming. The poll is below here.

Did you know the term “milkshake” was first used in 1885?  Back then milkshake referred to an alcoholic beverage.  It was thought of as a healthful drink with eggs and whiskey, like a tonic at pharmacies.

That may make some think of The Soda Fountain in Chugwater. Its still there, but was originally a doctor’s office/pharmacy, then the soda fountain was added in the early 1900s.

Milkshakes later became known as more wholesome, made with chocolate, strawberry or vanilla syrup.

In Wyoming we don’t have many places specifically named for their milkshakes, but there sure are plenty of places to go if you want a good one. If the list below doesn’t cover them all, add in your favorite in “other.” Also you may pick up to two if one is just too tough to call.

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