How many food television shows like "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives" have featured Wyoming locations? There’s a website for that, tvfoodmaps. The number is now up to 11. The first thing you may notice, however, is that every one of them is in, or near, Jackson. Now, how fair is that - not? Give us your idea of a place in Cheyenne that Guy Fieri might like to go, should he come back.

A total of six eateries have actually been on "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives." We think they should come south of J-town. Did they just want to ski and hob-nob with their rich and famous? Cheyenne may have more places than Jackson that would better fit the show's theme.

We'll give you some tastey stops in Cheyenne and you tell us the first one "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives" should try. If you don't see your favorite in the poll, just add it in "others."

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