Santa’s Flying Into Laramie for an Early Christmas Celebration!
Santa Claus is coming to the Gem City for a pre-Christmas get-together, and he lands in Laramie early next month! I can hear the carols already ('Santa Claus is coming to town!') Keep reading for the full details:
Laramie Regional Airport Welcomes Saint Nicholas
The Laramie Regional Airport welcomes Saint Nick at 10 a.m. on Saturday, December 9. This marks the second time Saint Nick has flown into Laramie for the early celebration. The event celebrates community involvement and brings awareness to the airport. Santa told the LAR staff that he "LOVES to visit Albany county; the elves all report back to the North Pole what good children we have here [in Laramie."
Doors for the festivities open at 9:30 - come early to get the best view of Santa landing at the airport. Kids, bring your last-minute Christmas list to share with him; parents, it's the perfect time to snag some Christmas pictures for your mantle!
Guests to the celebration can enjoy delicious cookies and cocoa (holiday must-haves!)
Event Details:
- When: 9:30 to 11 a.m.
- Where: Laramie Regional Airport Terminal Building (555 General Brees Rd.)
- Cost: FREE
- Additional Info: Click here.
Fun Facts About Santa Claus:
- The REAL LIFE inspiration for today's Santa Claus is a Catholic Saint named Saint Nicholas, who lived in the 4th Century C.E. Saint Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra - a legend about the Saint declares he once helped three unmarried daughters of a poor man by throwing gold coins in their stockings from a window one night, providing the dowry they needed to be married. Saint Nick has his own holiday in the Catholic tradition, Saint Nicholas Day - held on December 6
- The Dutch are credited with bringing Saint Nick to the New World when they settled in New Amsterdam - Modern day New York City.
- Thomas Nast, a cartoonist, drew the first version of the modern Santa Claus, which grew in popularity after Cocoa Cola began using the legendary figure for holiday campaigns.
- Santa Claus has numerous names around the world, including Sinterklaas (Dutch for Saint Nick), Weihnachtsmann (German for Christmas Man), Papa Noël (French for Father Christmas), and Babbo Natale (Italian for Father Christmas).
- Santa didn't always wear red. He wore numerous colors, including green and blue, up until 1931 when Cocoa Cola hijacked Santa's image and his classic red-and-white suit was born.
- This is the second year Santa has flown into Laramie.
- The airport hosts this event to share the airport with the community and youth of Albany County
- Santa LOVES to visit Albany county; the elves all report back to the North Pole what good children we have here.
- The Airport is working to bring an awareness to the airport and enjoys community involvement.