New Holiday: December 26, National Moms’ Day Off
Hey! Happy National Moms’ Day Off! What, you've never heard of that holiday? Well, probably because it was recently made up.
Trish Sammer is a writer for the blog Scary Mommy, you've probably seen their stuff on your Facebook feed. Sammer has proposed that December 26 be declared National Moms’ Day Off. "I created this personal holiday years ago when I realized that from around December 22 until December 25, I sat down approximately three times. By the 26th, I was pooped," she says.
Luckily, in this case, my wife, kids and I live just far enough away from all our extended families that we usually get to have a simple Christmas. But, I have seen far too many people, especially some moms, grind themselves down to nothing to try to create a TV Christmas.
Declaring December 26 Mom's Day Off is a way for mom to recover from the cooking, cleaning, planning, and coordinating that the holidays thrust upon them.
Sammer suggests celebrating the holiday by taking over the couch, dressed in a pajama-based uniform, wine at the ready. Naps are a required part of observing this day. The car stays in the driveway and no cooking will be done.
She even wrote a poem, a sort of anthem for the day.
"Let the family eat leftovers
while you dine on Russell Stovers."
You can read the rest on ScarryMommy.com, as well as all the rules for National Mom's Day Off.

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