Everyone in the Cowboy State owns a cowboy hat, right? Sorry, I know we also don't all "commute to work on horseback." It might be quicker, though, to poll for a percentage who do not own a Cowboy hat. And there's no better time for that than during Cheyenne Frontier Days.

By the way, I could give a few tips on buying a cowboy hat, but it's best to not overthink it and just get what you think looks good. One website said, “Prices can range from $20 to $4000. “ If you’re going pure beaver (expensive), then maybe you’ve already bought, and worn, enough different cowboy hats to know what you’re doing.

Cowboyhatguide.com says you don’t want it too tight, but you don’t want it so loose it blows off in a breeze (or a Wyoming wind storm). If there’s a hat you like, but it’s a bit big, a guy like Zach at The Boot Barn may be able to do a fitting trick or two, or you can get foam insulating tape along the inside of the band. In short, you'll know your hat when you see it.

Enjoy The Daddy of ‘Em All.  And NOW ...

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