West Edge will be hosting a free summer concert series called "Music on the Edge," according to spokeswoman Amy Surdam.

The concerts will be free and are scheduled for Sunday afternoons at 1 in a parking lot next to 611 W. 18th St.

Surdam says the concerts will be family friendly, featuring "vendors, food trucks, and great music."

The main sponsors of the concert series are Stitches Acute Care Center, Pina Business Services, and the Downtown Cheyenne Business Co-op [DCBC]. Here is the concert schedule:

June 11: Whiskey Rebellion 1791
June 25: The Road
July 9: Lost Page. A car show will also be held on this day.
July 23: The Road
August 13: RedSwing

In April, a logo contest was held for the concert series. Jenileah Hallingbye, owner of Doing Good Creative won with the design shown below.

Amy Surdam
Amy Surdam

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