Jane Goodall and Cynthia Moss have came together to create a campaign called, "Shoot 'em With A Camera, Not A Gun."

Jane Goodall is known for her work as an environmentalist and research on chimpanzees, while Cynthia Moss has been in east Africa battling elephant poachers and speaking out against trophy hunting.

Within the past few months Wyoming has opened up grizzly bear hunting for the first time in 44 years with the hopes of hunting down 22 grizzly bears.

Jane and Cynthia have already entered the lottery hoping to get the hunting license.  Their plan is to acquire them and not use them so the grizzly bears can live.  The campaign meeting consisted of 19 people, 16 of them being women.  5 people from this group went the the Jackson Hole newspaper to put out an ad for "Shoot 'em With A Camera, Not A Gun" campaign.

Ann Smith was one of the ladies, and she spoke with National Geographic.  This is what she had to say, “What stunned me is the number of positive calls I’ve received and 85 to 90 percent have come from women,” Smith says. Driving around Jackson Hole in a replica antique pick-up truck, the bed of Smith’s vehicle has a near life-sized stuffed teddy bear in it with a sign that reads “Grizzly Lives Matter.” “No one has called me up on the phone and yelled at me,” she said. I’ve received lots of affirmative horn honks and people giving me thumbs up.”


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