The National Weather Service forecast may use the term “light” snow, but that can be deceptive. You should still check for the number of inches. We’ve sure had plenty of light this winter in Southeastern, Wyoming.

If you grew up in North Texas like I did, if any snow falls, it’s likely to be only light or more often it's an ice storm. I don’t miss that, but a Wyomingite knows not to be fooled.

5 deceptive things about the term “light” snow:

  1. Even if it reads, “Light snow,” your Yorkie can still disappear while on potty break.
  2. One can still slip on light snow, busting one's butt and spilling one's coffee. Guaranteed.
  3. Sometimes that “light” snow can come down real fast. The rate is not light. It's just as hypnotizing as the heavy stuff. Pay attention to the road.
  4. Light or heavy, when kids come in tracking it on the kitchen floor, both turn into slippery pools of water. (That’s okay, as long as kids thermal layers don’t get wet.)
  5. Thanks to air pollution, both heavy or light snow tastes awful. (P.S. Do not touch the yellow snow. It's about as tasty as a Tide pod. You're welcome.)

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