Not all turkeys are stupid.

Okay, scratch that. They are all stupid. But now and then one get's the idea of what is coming its way and it fights back.

Here are the top 5 times thanksgiving turkeys fought back and won.


  • 1

    Turkey attack, fights back

    March 24, 2012. Two turkeys on Johnson street in the middle of Minneapolis. A boy had the bright idea to go mess with them a bit. Hilarious what happens.

  • 2


    Turkeys attack humans on sidewalk as they try to pass by.

  • 3

    Wild Turkey Fights With the Glass Door

    This turkey seems upset by what is going on inside and wants to break in and stop it.

  • 4

    Chased by Angry Turkey on Thanksgiving

    A flock of angry turkeys chase a car on Thanksgiving day.

  • 5

    Wild Turkey vs. UPS Driver (around FedEx Truck!)

    You read that right. The driver is trying to make a delivery, but the turkey has other ideas.

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