
Weird WYO Laws
Weird WYO Laws
Weird WYO Laws
Every state has it's odd collection of strange laws that seem odd to have on the books. Here are nine weird laws for Wyoming that are in effect.
Hate Your Coworker?
Hate Your Coworker?
Hate Your Coworker?
A new study says many office staffs really dislike their co-workers.  Some have actually quit to get away from them.   While you are at work, how do you interact with them?  The study says 33% gossip about their colleagues and simply refuse to socialize with them after work...
Dummy Mistakes 911 for Laywer, Asks for Marijuana Advice
Dummy Mistakes 911 for Laywer, Asks for Marijuana Advice
Dummy Mistakes 911 for Laywer, Asks for Marijuana Advice
While it isn't written down anywhere, there is most certainly a list of questions you don't ask the police. Top among these questions is, "How much trouble could I get into for this marijuana plant I'm growing in my closet?" It seems obvious not to ask a 911 operator such a thing. For everyone but this guy.