
WYO's Favorite Neighbor
WYO's Favorite Neighbor
WYO's Favorite Neighbor
Last week we asked a variety of questions about Wyoming's neighbors (Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska.) We've collected nearly 100 votes on each question and have the official responses... What is Wyoming's FRIENDLIEST Neighbor...
What Celebrity Would You Want As A Neighbor?
Zillow came out with their annual “Celebrity Neighbor Survey” asking what celebrity neighbor would you want to live next to and which celebrity neighbor you wouldn’t want anywhere near your neighborhood. Blake and Miranda made the list, however, even though they were #1 last year, they were edged out by another desirable neighbor!
What Would You Do If You Ran Over The Neighbor’s Dog?
What Would You Do If You Ran Over The Neighbor’s Dog?
What Would You Do If You Ran Over The Neighbor’s Dog?
Accidents happen right, but I think it’s how you handle it if you’ve done something wrong, like say…accidentally run over your neighbor’s dog! How would you handle that? I don’t think my friend handled it all too well, especially after reading all about it on Facebook!