New Program Announced to Help Wyoming Bars With Restrictions
A new state program was announced on Tuesday (December 8th) that will provide relief to Wyoming bars and restaurants that may lose business due to the recently imposed restrictions.
The statewide restrictions were announced on Monday as restaurants and bars will need to close between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. the following day. This also comes with a statewide face mask mandate. The restrictions for Wyoming bars and restaurants begins Wednesday (December 9th) and will go until January 8th. However, in order to counter lost profits for those businesses, that state will use federal Covid-19 relief money to help.
According to the Casper-Star Tribune, Governor Mark Gordon recently spoke about the new program:
I want to thank everyone for joining together to protect their communities and also to support local businesses...We hope to have final details available this week and to start taking applications for relief funding for business owners who are helping to save lives by reducing their hours.
While money from the CARES Act is still available for the state through December 30th, Wyoming is seeking an extension to continue using those Covid-19 relief funds in 2021. And now, the new relief program is being put into to motion by the Governor's office, the Wyoming Department of Health, and the Wyoming Business Council. Members of the Wyoming State Liquor Association and the Wyoming Lodging and Restaurant Association are being notified of the new relief program as well.
Gov. Mark Gordon and Executive Director of the Liquor Association Mike Moser are both aware of the importance of keeping the restaurants and bars from having to focus solely on takeout orders, like what happened back in the Spring of this year. Moser said they're hoping to do everything they can to keep businesses open.
More details about the new relief program are said to be released later this week from Wyoming Business Council, according to the governor's office.

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