FCA Welcome to Meet at McCormick Junior High School, LCSD1 Says
Laramie County School District 1 officials say they have not banned Fellowship of Christian Athletes from meeting at McCormick Junior High School.
The district says a parent questioned why FCA was not allowed on campus after McCormick created a community board this week to advertise the different student-led clubs the school has to offer.
"FCA was offered the opportunity to advertise as a club; however, since the club meets off campus without set times, the club sponsor declined the offer," LCSD1 said in a statement (see below) Friday.
The district says FCA, which is meeting off campus this school year, is welcome to meet at McCormick provided they adhere to the school board's policy regarding student organizations and activities.
Following an incident last spring at McCormick Junior High, the Laramie County School District 1 Board of Trustees reviewed its policy regarding Student Organizations and Activities and emphasized its enforcement at the building level. An emphasis was placed on the highlighted portion below. Chapter 8, Section 8, Student Organizations and activities, states:
Student organizations and activities shall be encouraged when they contribute to the accomplishment of District goals and objectives. The organizations shall operate within the framework of the law, Board policy, and the parameters of the learning program. When the organizations are contributive, their establishment and operation shall be facilitated by District staff using District resources.
Each student organization shall have a faculty supervisor who shall ensure that the organization's activities are in accordance with the requirements of Board policy and law. The supervisor shall provide the building principal with a roster of organization members and officers and shall keep the roster current. The supervisor shall provide the building principal with the organization's operational outline which will include the organization's purpose and structure. Faculty supervisors for student organizations shall attend all meetings and activities of the organization.
In the case of political, religious, or philosophical organizations, the school or this District cannot sponsor the organization, and the faculty supervisor shall be present in meetings of the organization in a non-participatory capacity only. In addition, non-school persons may not direct, conduct, control, or regularly attend activities of these organizations.
Special club or group activities shall be undertaken only upon the approval of the building principal. Such activities may include parties, banquets, field trips, or picnics.
Student organizations may be allowed to use District facilities for organization activities upon the approval of the building principal. Requests for use shall be made to the principal in sufficient time to avoid scheduling conflicts.
Student organizations shall prepare tentative schedules of organization activities and events to be reviewed by the building principal. The following guidelines shall be observed in the preparation of student organization schedules:
1. Avoid conflicts with seasonal activities;
2. Ascertain the availability of facilities;
3. Attempt to schedule activities immediately before and after school and avoid night meetings;
4. Avoid overlapping in the use of facilities;
5. Maintain a balance in the types of activities;
6. Consider limitations in finances and transportation;
In a step to create more student interest and involvement in before/after school activities, McCormick Junior High School created a community board this week to advertise the different student-led clubs the school has to offer.
In response to the newly created community board, a parent questioned why the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) was not allowed on campus. As per board policy stated above, all student driven clubs are welcome at all LCSD1 schools.
McCormick’s FCA Club is still active but is meeting off campus this school year. This is a decision made by the Laramie County FCA coordinator. FCA was offered the opportunity to advertise as a club; however, since the club meets off campus without set times, the club sponsor declined the offer. At any time, FCA is welcome to meet at McCormick within the above-stated LCSD1 Board guidelines.
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