Let me begin by saying, "With All Due Respect."

Amy Roy, Annie Laurie, Todd Dereemer and Ty Warner are the writers, singers, and musicians on the song The Cheyenne Anthem. These folks are excellent singers, writers, and players.

That is why I say, with all due and well deserved respect, and in my humble opinion, the song misses the mark.

Fist let's look at the problems.

At 5:30 the song is too long. Part of the reason that it is so long is they tried to mention everything they could think of about Cheyenne. As a guy who writes and speaks for a living I can tell you, never try to say it all.

There is nothing memorable about the music or the lyrics. After listing to it several times, and I only did so in order to form an opinion and talk about it, I cannot remember the song. I'm not even humming the tune.

So here are my suggestions:

1). Pick 3 or 4 good things about Cheyenne. Do not try to say it all.

2). Write something no longer than 2 minuets.

3). Because we are Cheyenne Wyoming it must be Country Western music, but make it a bit more modern. Get those toes tapping. Find a great hook line that people will want to repeat over and over at the top of their lungs.

If done correctly they song will get played to death on local radio stations, by bands in the Frontier Day parades, and sung by the crowds when played over the speakers at Frontier Days.

This could be a big hit if given another chance.

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