Wyoming Ranked 37th In The Country For Obesity Rate
Currently, Wyoming has a 29% obesity rate. It is a low number, but that means 1/4 of residents in the state are overweight, according to Jackson Hole News and Guide.
Trust for America's Health did their annual obesity report saying that obesity levels in the country are the highest they have ever been. Wyoming is one of nine states to show a five percent increase from 2013 to 2018. In the report, it shows that men who live in rural areas are two times likely to become obese than a man from an urban area. Also, the report shows that people who seek higher education and have a high paying job are less likely to have an obesity problem.
The Wyoming county with the best numbers is Teton. Their obesity rate is only 10%. The state with the least amount of obesity in Colorado which seems to be interesting considering they have legalized marijuana. If you know anything about marijuana, it makes you hungry. They must be eating a lot of plant-based products, good for Colorado.