"Triton Tough" has become a rally cry for folks in Fremont County.

Triton is an 8-year-old boy who has been battling Rhabdomyosarcoma for several months. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a type of sarcoma, or cancer of the soft tissue.

While Triton has many hobbies and interests, two of the things he's most passionate about are law enforcement and Star Wars.

With help from the Riverton Police Department, and Barry Cinemas in Riverton, Triton received an epic birthday party that featured both of his favorite things.

Dozens of police officers from all around Wyoming escorted Triton through Riverton, down Main Street, and into the Acme movie theater. Representatives from police departments in Lander, Cheyenne, Sundance, Green River, Rock Springs, and Douglas joined the parade.

Waiting for the young man were his family, friends, a pile of presents, and some of his favorite characters from Star Wars.

Check out some of the photos and videos from his special day below, and learn more about Triton here. 

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