Local law enforcement officers teamed up with cadets from F.E. Warren Air Force Base Thursday morning to run the Special Olympics Wyoming “Flame of Hope” through Cheyenne.
Saturday, April 17th, the Cheyenne Jackalope Jump fundraiser is happening in Lions Park! The event will benefit Special Olympics Wyoming athletes throughout the entire state.
Starting tomorrow, May 15, and running through July 15, state law enforcement agencies will be hosting a virtual torch run to benefit Special Olympics Wyoming.
During the months of January and February, the agency is relaxing their grooming policy and allowing deputies the rare opportunity to flaunt their facial fuzz at work.
Riverton runner Sara Dockham, Pinedale triathlete Melanie Holmes, and Casper powerlifter Ralph Slattery will represent the Cowboy State in Abu Dhabi and Dubai next month at the 2019 Special Olympics World Games.
Tuesday night brought lots of festive lights and big bucks as it was time for the annual 29th Annual Festival of Trees benefiting Special Olympics.
Hundreds of people attended this year's event at the Central Wyoming Fairgrounds Industrial Building...