Since 1975, Grizzly Bears have been protected under the Endangered Species act of 1975.  As of 2017, those protections have been relaxed.  Now in 2018, nearly 7,000 people applied for the license, but only 10 have been issued, the hunt begins September 15th. Over the last 42 years, the bear population has grown to roughly 700 bears in Wyoming.

Each hunter is allowed 10 days for hunting in a designated area.  This went into effect so if any activists were to receive a license, they couldn't interrupt the whole hunt.

As reported by the Associated Press, one of those licenses was issued to nature photo, Tom Mangelsen, who has different plans for the license.  Yes, he will be doing shooting during his 10 days, but it will be with a camera.

"The time has come in 2018 to really think about the value of wildlife for what it is for everybody," Mangelsen told NPR following the drawing. "The public has a right to see the bears and hunters do not have the right to take that away from the public."

Shortly after that, the nature photographer boasted on his Instagram about getting the license, instead of a picture of the license he used a family of bears. Tom's caption was, "There are certain circumstances that would keep me from getting in the field, but if given the opportunity, you can be sure that I will be buying the $600 license and spending all of the allotted 10 days hunting with a camera.  With only one person allowed in the field at one time, hopefully, the ten days I take up will save the lives of some of these amazing animals."




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