Peaceful Demonstrations This Week In Honor of George Floyd
On June 2, a group of local residents held a peaceful demonstration in Laramie in honor of George Floyd. The Laramie Police Department monitored the event.
The event organizers have been in contact with Police Department officials and expressed their intention to hold similar demonstrations each evening this week at 5 pm. The organizers say they are committed to conducting these demonstrations legally, peacefully, and with minimum public inconvenience.
In response to this, the Laramie Police Department put out a statement saying that they support citizen’s rights to peacefully demonstrate any cause.
They also clarified that any demonstrations that have not gone through a permitting process must be held on sidewalks and that all laws must be followed. The demonstrations can also be held on private property, but the demonstrators must have permission from the owners in order to gather.
Laramie PD has asked all residents who are not involved in the demonstrations to respect all viewpoints and personal perspectives.
They have advised residents to expect some minor delays around the walking demonstrations, which are scheduled to go from the Downtown Plaza at 1st & Grand, to 15th & Grand, then back to the Plaza.

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