Miller Lite’s International Beer Day Promotion is Useless for Wyoming
First things first, Happy International Beer Day, everyone! I hope you're celebrating appropriately and responsibly. But Miller Lite, what gives with the weird promotion you had today?
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for promotions of free beer, which is what Miller Lite had today, but it was also very bizarre, and to be honest, useless if you live in Wyoming.
What Miller Lite did was give a refund for a six pack of their beer to 110 cities throughout the U.S. Those 110 cities share the name of a country located outside the U.S., which is clever enough because it's 'International' Beer Day. I get it. However, the closest cities such as that to Wyoming are Lebanon, NE and Trinidad, CO.
Lebanon, NE is 4 hours and 45 minutes away from Cheyenne, WY while Trinidad, CO is 4 hours and 18 minutes away. This promotion is useless to us. And Cheyenne's probably the closest reference point in the state given we're located in the southeast region.
I'm not trying to be petty about this free beer promotion...Okay, actually yeah, I am, but c'mon, Miller Lite. Give us something we can work with guys. I mean, I'm from St. Louis, so I'm an Anheuser-Busch beer product guy, therefore, I already have enough reason to dismiss your beer any chance I get. You could've came through with some other promotion that worked out for everyone and you kind of dropped the ball.
In all honestly, it's really all in jest, we'll all have some beer today to celebrate and laugh about this later. Good for those that received free Miller Lite beer today (*under my breath* wish it could've been me). So let's all celebrate International Beer Day...even if you are a fellow Wyomingite that had to pay for your Miller Lite today.

Wyoming's Top Beers Come From Laramie, Sheridan & Jackson